I watch a lot of my favorite TV Shows on online websites like www.hulu.com. So it can be a little frustrating if I do not find what I am looking for on www.hulu.com. www.sidereel.com is the solution to my predicament.
It's consolidates links to various TV shows, which are viewable online, in this one neat website. You can also find data about movies, TV schedules and reviews in case they are of interest to you. As more and more TV shows become available online this website could gain popularity since it "just makes sense".
Orbitouch keyless keyboard has been around for a while. However, I came to know of it only recently and hence I decided to blog about it. It's a device which I thought was brilliant, creative and one which will be of great help to kids with autism. However, that does not mean it can't be used for regular users.
You can check out more videos of the Orbitouch keyless keyboard on http://orbitouch.com/videos. From the looks of it, it seems to perform everything which one could want to type with a regular keyboard. I wonder if it’s settings need to be changed when used for gaming purposes? Nevertheless it’s a very innovative concept which is practical and useful.
Contains information on how to perform Cool IT Tricks, latest industry trends and capsule sized description on working of key technologies.
Note: Views expressed in this blog are personal and does not necessarily represent the views of the company I work for.
Technology can be a bane or boon depending on how much command you have over it. The pace at which the IT landscape keeps changing is so fast that it tends to sometimes overwhelm even seasoned veterans. I am not a tech guru and will not pretend to be one, but technology appeals to me and through this blog I hope to make technology and IT in particular seem simple and fun. There are tons of really neat sites out there containing useful information. I just hope to present capsule sized information contained in those sites since ‘time’ and ‘patience’ are two commodities most of us never seem to have enough of.
Your response will be the adrenalin that's gonna keep me going. Good, bad .. it doesn’t matter. Just keep it honest. Appreciate your comments in advance.